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Our Governors

Our Governing Body work closely with the school and together we aim to deliver the very best education for the children at Bishop's Tachbrook CE Primary School. Through challenge and support we are able to continue to drive standards high for our families and staff.

Meet our Governing body:


Chair Of Governors
Mr Dan White
Chair of Governors

I am a co-opted governor which means I have some skills that are useful to the governing board - marketing and data analysis in particular.  I know the school well since both my children used to be pupils (they are now in their twenties) and my wife used to work at BT as a class teacher. As chair, my focus is ensuring the school has an effective strategy and is measuring progress towards it appropriately. I am extremely proud of our school, its creativity and the supportive atmosphere it fosters. 

Mr Chris Harper
Co-opted Governor

My wife and I came to live in the village over 20 years ago. After moving on from a job that often took me away from home, I was keen to have a more active role in the community. At the same time, my two daughters were pupils at the school and a Parent Governor role came up. So, having come first in a field of one to get the post, 2012 marked the start of my period as a governor. Since then I've learned so much from staff, fellow governors, training courses, our clerk Jenny and of course the pupils. In my time, I’ve been Chair of the Resources Committee, SEND Governor, H&S Governor, Vice Chair and Chair. Both Mr Brettell and Mrs Kilbey have been great at enabling governors to be effective in our role as critical friends by encouraging questions and being up front about any issues. This environment of open and honest dialogue along with the hard work and dedication I see in school has kept me passionate about playing my small part as a governor at the school even after my daughters moved on a few years ago.

Mr David Guilding
Parent Governor

I have lived in the area for the last twelve years and have two children currently at Bishop's Tachbrook Primary, in Year 5 and Year 1. Both our children absolutely love their school and the school community. We originally chose BT because of its focus on providing a well-rounded education. The more time I spent at the school, the more inspired I became by its inclusive ethos.

I became a parent governor in January 2023 after seeing the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic had. I know that a lot of parents had concerns about their children's development and how they would catch up with their learning.

In my day job I manage the arts and heritage services provided by Warwick District Council, leading the team that delivers high quality activity from a range of cultural facilities in Leamington Spa including the Royal Pump Rooms (Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Musuem), Leamington Town Hall, and the Royal Spa Centre, which welcome over 500,000 visitors through their doors every year. My role is to inspire residents and visitors by creating opportunities for them to participate in or attend arts activities. I am responsible for providing the vision, direction, and operational oversight for the business and ensuring that it is artistically ambitious, effective, and financially sustainable in the longer term.

I also have a background of working with young people and I am passionate about supporting our community and working with our youngest residents. I hope to ensure the best possible educational outcomes and enrichment of the school experience for all our students.

Mrs Verity Howe
Parent Governor

We moved to Bishop's Tachbrook just before my daughter was born so that she could attend a village school. I really wanted to be a part of that community and so in 2021, as she entered year 1, I became a parent governor.

As a secondary school languages teacher and now a support lead for autistic students at college, I aim to use my experience of the education sector to support Mrs Kilbey and her brilliant team to provide the best environment for our children to thrive. Alongside support, a governor's role is to be a critical friend and I really enjoy working with the rest of the board to challenge and probe the strategic direction of the school. There is a great sense of mutual respect for the different skills that each governor brings to our meetings and I am privileged to play my part in upholding the values and ethos of such a wonderful school.

Rev. Jonathan
Foundation Governor

I became a foundation governor at Bishop’s Tachbrook Primary School when I arrived as the new Vicar at St Chads church in 2021. With an established close relationship between the school, church, and wider community I am passionate about encouraging that faith ethos of courage, kindness, and compassion.

Highlights for me are meeting the children and staff and hearing about all the things they are learning about.  I have also enjoyed working with the leadership team to develop vision & identity around our new school ‘IDEALS’. I’m regularly involved in helping lead collective worship, singing favourite songs, and hosting visits at St. Chads for the seasonal events and services.

At home, my family and I enjoy all sports, walking, playing music, gardening, and looking after the Vicarage chickens!



I became a governor initially in 2014 when I left my teaching role at Bishop’s Tachbook – it was a great way to stay involved in such a fantastic school! After a break, I resumed my Governor role in 2020.

As a teacher and a parent, I want every child to have a great experience in school! Being a governor is a fantastic way to support the school team in celebrating achievements and driving improvement so that every pupil in school has a great primary education.

Each governor brings a different skill set and experience to their role. I began my teaching career at Bishop’s Tachbrook in 2003 - I loved it so much that I stayed for 11 years! I have since been involved in Initial Teacher Education and also work closely with schools to support teachers early in their careers. This background in education gives me a good understanding of schools and effective teaching and learning which is useful in my role as link governor for maths and English.

I thoroughly enjoy being part of the governing body and feel privileged that I am able to continue being part of such a special school community.



I became a parent governor in 2018 and have now moved to become a foundation governor to support the Christian ethos of the school. I wanted to be a governor as I was keen to support the school that my son absolutely loves. I have been nicknamed the review queen as I have a knack for picking out details in policies and documents (sounds boring I know!) and am always the one with ‘just one more question’ at meetings!  As governors our role is not to get involved in the operational running of things but to support and challenge the school’s leadership team to drive school improvements.  I have also assisted the school in recruitment interviews including the current headteacher Mrs Kilbey.  I enjoy my role immensely and am really proud of our school and all of the people involved in making it a great place for our children to learn and develop.


Dan White (Chair of Governors) [Performance & Standards Governor]

Sharron (Vice Chair of Governors) [Foundation Governor, Health and Well-being]

David Guilding (Parent Governor) [Health and Safety]

Verity Howe (Parent Governor) [SEND, Curriculum - English]

Reverend Jonathan Smith (Foundation Governor)

Cathryn Kilbey (Head Teacher)

Claire Pepin (Deputy Head Teacher)  

Paul Gardner (Staff Governor)

Jenny Steckles (Clerk to the Governing Body)

Governors who have left in the last 12 months:

Sally Hewitt (Co-opted Governor) [Safeguarding Governor, Curriculum - Maths] 

Chris Harper (Co-opted Governor) [Chair of Resources]

Kathryn Potter (Staff Governor)