Online Safety
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
Follow the link if you have concerns about the exploitation of a child and would like to report it to the police, or for helpful advice on Keeping Safe on the Internet.
Helpful information
As we continue to rely on technology for entertainment and keeping in touch with friends and family, the following articles may help keep
children safer online:
• A parent’s guide to privacy settings (including important information about how to switch off location setting)
Gaming: what parents and carers need to know
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
This is guidance from the Children’s Commissioner for parents and carers, on how to talk to your child about online sexual harassment . Based on the voices of children and young people it gives tips to adults about how they can support children to stay safer online.
Click here for Jessie and Friends resources, suitable for sharing with EYFS & KS1 children.
Click here for the ever-popular BandRunner game.
Click here for supporting videos.
Two sites from the BBC with a wealth of accessible information about online safety.
Visit the Childnet International site for more advice about staying safe online.
Tips, advice and guides for parents and carers from the UK Safer Internet Centre.
Guides on popular apps and games.
Reviews and information about games, apps, TV shows and websites.
Help on using parental controls and privacy settings.