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Mrs Pepin


Mrs Pepin's portrait is drawn by Sachin (Year 5) in the style of Byzantine art. (You can find out more about the style at the bottom of this page.)

Mrs Pepin is our deputy head teacher, SENDCo and Year 6 teacher. We asked her some questions to find out more about her:

What was your dream job when you were a child?

My dream job was always to be a teacher (even from a young age, I would line my teddies and dolls up and ‘teach’ them)

What is your favourite animal?

I have lots of favourite animals, including seals, elephants, dogs, cats and otters. Although I’m a little scared of snakes, they intrigue me.

If you could have just one wish, what would you wish for?

If I could have one wish, it would be to stop all of the fighting and suffering in the world so everyone could live happy, healthy and peaceful lives.

Byzantine Art

Byzantine art is an artistic style that developed in the eastern Mediterranean under the rule of the Byzantine Empire and spread beyond its boundaries to other parts of the Christian world. It moved away from classical naturalistic figures to flat frontal figures and is best seen in mosaics and icons.