Miss Browne
Miss Browne's portrait is drawn by Sienna (Year 5) in the style of Leonardo Da Vinci. (You can find out more about the artist at the bottom of this page.)
Miss Browne is a Lunchtime Supervisor. We asked her some questions to find out more about her:
What was your dream job as a child?
To be a French teacher.
What is your favourite animal?
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
New York at Christmas, it looks amazing with all the lights and decorations.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
It would be to be able to heal people, I would use it to make sure everyone was healthy.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Painter, sculptor, architect, designer, theorist, engineer and scientist, Leonardo da Vinci created some of the most famous images in European art. Though many of his works were never finished, and even fewer have survived, he influenced generations of artists and he continues to be revered as a universal genius.
Leonardo was born near the Tuscan hill-town of Vinci. He was fascinated by the mystery of the face and by the possibility of reading the 'motions of the soul' through facial expressions and gesture. Leonardo's portrait of the wife of a Florentine official, known as the 'Mona Lisa' is famous for its sitter's enigmatic expression.