Bishop's Tachbrook Pre-School
Bishop's Tachbrook Pre-School is housed in a classroom at the school.
The Preschool team is led by Mrs. Tara Hobbins
We accept children from the age of 2 years and 9 months.
Our pupils share activities across the EYFS Foundation Stage curriculum and work with staff from Reception. This greatly increases their confidence when they move into school.
Our close links with the school and the "Open Door" sessions help nursery-age children prepare for school and get to know the staff.
Our day now runs from 8.30 am -3.30 pm. Come and see us in action!
For enquiries, communications about booking or to give notice of a change in sessions, please e-mail us on: btpreschoolnursery@welearn365.com or Phone Number: 01926 313508.
Or please find an application form to fill in a link at the bottom of the page.
We are officially a 'GOOD' Pre-School. (OFSTED 2024)
'Activities are exciting and engaging. Animated, enthusiastic staff support children well and they make good progress. The manager and staff provide good quality care and learning for children. Children behave very well and understand the importance of sharing toys. Children enjoy lots of physical activity and independently move between the indoor and outdoor play areas.'
Read our full OFSTED report here
Meet the team:

Pre-School Manager
Lead DSL

Deputy Head
DSL and SENDco

Assistant Deputy Head
DSL and Phonics Lead

Early Years Practitioner
Lunch Lead

Early Years Practitioner
PE Lead
We are rated 'GOOD' by Ofsted who say:
- Staff have expert understanding of how children learn through play.
Children are confident, keen to take part in activities and thoroughly enjoy being at the pre-school.
Partnerships with parents are successful and effectively promote a consistent approach to children.
- Highly effective arrangements are in place to ensure that children are safeguarded.
Please note:
Our popular Pre-School is sometimes over-subscribed, particularly towards the Summer term. Although we may have some sessions to offer families whose children are shortly joining Bishop's Tachbrook CE Primary School, the best way to settle children in is for them to join us in good time and not to rely on being able to secure full-day sessions at short notice for only the last part of the year.
If you are thinking of joining us, do get in touch and we will be glad to meet you and show you around. Don't leave it too late - we look forward to meeting you.
Why choose BT Pre School?
Don't just take Ofsted's word for it. Listen to what our parents say:
"The warm cheery welcome we receive in the mornings, the vibrant, happy classroom and wonderfully creative staff make BT Nursery the perfect learning environment for our child. Your care, support and enthusiasm are second to none!"
"My son went to day care before coming here but now he has grown in so many ways and really has learnt trust and boundaries."
"This isn't simply child care, it's about caring for my child."
"I'm so glad we found this pre-school. The quality of care is so much better than the other settings we have used."
For details of our PREVENT strategy click here.
Contact us:
Email: btpreschoolnursery@welearn365.com
Phone Number: 01926 313508
Please find some of our policies below.